Athena Marketing International (AMI) provides value-added sales & marketing services to leading food and beverage manufacturers.
Select Brands represented by AMI

“Talk about a pro-active team! I love working with AMI. They are great communicators, out of the box thinkers, and always willing to take feedback. They created a solid Global Strategy for our brand and put us in front of the decision makers throughout the regions of the world we were targeting. I highly recommended their team to take the stress out of a global rollout.”

“I wanted to thank you and your team. The campaign you ran was very successful. We received many good leads. Several were from companies we could not get a response from! A few were from companies I had been in touch with, but for whatever reason, interest waned. So we are excited to reconnect with them and we owe that to you and your staff. I’m excited about the opportunity to work together again soon. Thank you for helping us build our international business.“

“Athena Marketing International (AMI) has represented Decas Cranberry Products and Decas Botanical Synergies since April 2007. The territory managed by AMI has been Asia, Middle East, and Australia/New Zealand. During this time our international sales in these regions has grown significantly. Under the diligence and guidance of AMI, our core business (Sweetened Dried Cranberries) has increased +1,319%, +58% and +74% respectively from 2008 through 2010. In the 12 months ended June 2011, our base business has grown 71% vs. last year. This growth was accomplished in an extremely volatile market in which pricing reached its highest levels in nearly 20 years and then rapidly plummeted to unprecedented low pricing. Despite these market fluctuations, AMI continued to grow our business in the international markets.”

“I would highly recommend Athena Marketing International for any company who would like to expand their international presence. Peter Guyer has been managing our business development efforts internationally for 4 years and he has done excellent job building sales and profits by establishing solid distributors and building select direct customer relationships. Peter has solid business acumen and a professional demeanor and represents our company well at customer meetings and international exhibits. He is a clear communicator and his trip and show reports keep me fully informed on the progress of the international pipeline of new business.”

“Peter Guyer and his crew at AMI have been an exceptionally valuable resource to us over the last several years. They provided valuable regulatory insight to speed us to market internationally and educated me and other key staff on sound approaches to building a profitable and sustainable international business. We've followed Peter's advice carefully and seen excellent results.”